About US


法碁國際法律事務所由翁晨貿律師 林思儀律師共同創立經營, 後續吳宜平律師,宋豐浚律師洪政和律師陳照先律師 相繼加入本所之合署律師團隊。
Legal Stand International Law Firm is co-founded by lawyer Weng Chenmao, lawyer Lin Sihyi and with the participation of the lawyer Wu Yiping、Song Fengjun Hong Zhenghan and Chen ZhaoXian.

The Legal Stand team upholds the law as a spirit cornerstone, standing upon a strong legal foundation for solving any issues. We stand from the client’s perspetive, solving disputes in a rational and diligent way, preserving clients’ best interests.

On the Legal field, complicated procedures and intricate cases are like a vast ocean. Therefore, Legal Stand team makes sail on a vessel built upon core legal principles with strong and experienced crew members to work with clients for navigating until a bright and justice harbor.

We have rich experience in litigation and corporate legal counsel. Our business has a long-standing recognition in the greater Taichung region, but we have been expanding to northern and southern regions of Taiwan. To consolidate our growth, Legal Stand International Law Firm is connected to experts in mainland China, Europe, and the United States to provide global legal resources with unmatched depth and breadth. Furthermore, we also formed alliances with other cross-industries to provide customers with vaster, detailed, accurate and professional services.

Legal Stand International Law Firm adheres to the protection of human rights to achieve the goal of social justice. We provide each client with professional and reliable services and guide them with a clear and definite path allowing our lawyers to be your strongest support, your cornerstone.


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